

Take scheduled snapshots of your Kubernetes persistent volumes.

View the Project on GitHub backube/snapscheduler

Editing the documentation

The documentation is built using Jekyll and hosted via GitHub Pages.

All content is written as Markdown within the /docs directory, and these files get transformed into html and hosted at

Locally viewing the content

When editing the documentation, the rendered content can be viewed locally by using Jekyll.

First, install Ruby and Bundler:

sudo dnf install ruby ruby-devel @development-tools
gem install bundler

Update the Gems:

bundler update

Build and serve the documentation:

PAGES_REPO_NWO=backube/snapscheduler bundle exec jekyll serve -l

The above command will display a URL that contains the root of the site.

As you make modfications to the *.md files, the content should be updated automatically— though there seem to be some exceptions. In the case of new files or changes the the _config.yml, it may be necessary to restart jekyll.

Publishing changes

When new changes are committed to the repo, they are automatically picked up and deployed by the standard GitHub Pages mechanisms. While the source files get linted via Travis CI, all rendering and deployment is handled via GitHub.