We are announcing a new release of SnapScheduler. Version 1.1.1 is a bug fix release that fixes a crash when the snapschedule CR omits the snapshotTemplate.

There are no new features to announce with this release of the operator, but a new version of the Helm chart will also be rolling out that includes a default node selector on the operator’s Deployment. This node selector ensures that the operator is scheduled only to nodes that are amd64 & running Linux. This change should not cause any noticeable difference for those that have the scheduler deployed, but it will ensure deployments are successful on clusters with heterogenous architectures or OSes.

The full list of changes is available in the usual place: CHANGELOG.

:trumpet: While we’re announcing things… :trumpet:
SnapScheduler is now listed on ArtifactHub.io, too!

Other (boring) things behind the scenes include:

  • End-to-end testing of the major features in CI with Kube 1.13 – 1.18
  • A few doc fixes to clarify usage

Installing and updating

The easiest way to get up and running is via the Helm chart, available from Helm Hub: https://hub.helm.sh/charts/backube/snapscheduler

New installation:

$ helm repo add backube https://backube.github.io/helm-charts/
$ kubectl create ns backube-snapscheduler
$ helm install -n backube-snapscheduler snapscheduler backube/snapscheduler


$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade -n backube-snapscheduler snapscheduler backube/snapscheduler

The full documentation is available at https://backube.github.io/snapscheduler/

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